Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The Notebook

Last night I watched "The Notebook". Thanks for the warning Mrs. U. "It's a great movie. I have seen it 4 times." If I watch that movie four times I will die of dehydration ie I cried like a baby. It was like watching "Brian's Song", "The Champ", and "Old Yeller" all at once. I should have known, after all it's from Nicholas Sparks. The same guy who kills off Kevin Costner in "Message in a Bottle", and Mandy Moore in "A Walk to Remember".

Don't get me wrong, it is a great movie which caused me much introspection. I won't give away all the details in case you haven't seen it. But, I don't know if I was crying more for the characters or for myself. When the movie starts off the two main characters are approximately 17 years old. They fall passionately in love. The kind of hot summer romance where you can't keep your hands off of each other. I am thirteen years older than these characters and I to this day have never experienced this. Hell, I have never even been kissed.

Who doesn't long for that kind of fire ? To not only feel passion for someone, but to be felt passionately about ? I mean love is wonderful, don't get me wrong, but don't we secretly want to find that one person who can get under our skin ? The one who can make us reconsider all of our goals, our hopes, and our dreams, and then make us realize that those things are not as important as we once thought they were. To make us say, "I'd rather be a ditch digger and have you in my life, than be a millionaire without you."

It is easy for people who have this or have had this to say,"oh it will happen to you." The truth is that it is easier said than done. Life is extremely difficult when you have no sense of hope. Love is like a lot of things. Take basketball for instance, you can practice all day long, but there is nothing like that first win. Afterwards, you can walk away and it feels good knowing that since you have done it once you are capable of doing it again. You have no doubt that you will win again. But when you start off 0-8, you become hopeless. It is impossible to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You get tired of picking yourself up off the ground, dusting yourself off and getting back on the proverbial horse. Then comes a time when you say, "I'll walk." You question yourself... see all kinds of people in love. Short, tall, fat, skinny, rude, considerate, arrogant, humble, funny, dull. You think to yourself, "I at least fall into the middle of these categories. I may not be Robin Williams, but I am not Robin Leach either." So what is so wrong with me that no one has ever looked into my eyes and seen forever or felt time stand still ? This brings us back to M, who I haven't mentioned in a while. Now, I'll admit at this point I don't feel passionately about her, hell I hardly even know her, but I definitely wanted the opportunity.

Maybe this is why the movie hit me so hard. On Monday, I sent M an email. (I was going to beg Mrs. U to intercede on my behalf, since she knows us both. But I decided against it. It wouldn't be right to ask her to put herself in the middle.) So, I sent the email. I had told myself I would let it go, but I couldn't. I wanted to believe that she was better than what my recent opinion of her was. After all, it was possible she never got my note or Christmas card, and therefore didn't know I sent the flowers. I had to give her the benefit of the doubt, right ? After all, women are such perfect creatures who do everything right and treat everyone with respect and compassion. So, I emailed her in one last futile attempt to not let this possibilty pass by. I didn't want to spend the rest of my life wondering what might have been and hating her for not responding, if in fact, she never knew. So, here we are a few days later and still no response. I guess she is not the lady I had hoped she was.

It is just completely unfathomable that one person could have such rotten luck with love. I mean I am not making this stuff up. Everything I have written regarding myself in these blogs is true. And no, it is not that I am clueless and just missing the signs. I know the signs all too well. Girls never giggled when I walked by. No one ever doodled my name on her notebook. No one ever constantly showed up at the places where I was. I know all the tricks of their trade. Conversely, I have done some of these things. I have sent flowers, written poems, and yes I have been a boy standing before a girl asking her to love him. Unlike the movies, there is no happily ever after.

In closing I'd like to say thank you Mrs. U for the thank you card. It is nice to know that there are still some southern belles who know how to be gracious. The card and the words mean the world to me and I feel blessed for having you in my life. Mr. U is a very fortunate man.


At February 12, 2005 at 8:30 PM, Blogger Laura said...

I read the book, but haven't seen the movie. There aren't many movies that I like to watch more than once, but the first time I saw Message in a Bottle, I rewound it and immediately watched it again. Sparks is a great author. Do the movies from his books share the same producer/director?

At February 12, 2005 at 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your page has changed the way it lets me post a comment. "Second chances" is my blog title (that I haven't used); before, it would post my name instead. I think I need more tech exposure.

At February 14, 2005 at 12:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute, u_greys.

I saw Hitch last night. I thought it was great - sweet and hilarious...

At February 20, 2005 at 9:59 AM, Blogger Michael said...

I saw Hitch this weekend. It was good. Kevin James is a riot. Eva Mendez is hot. But the way she acts in the beginning is the story of my life. You get up the nerve to approach a woman, and she just shreds you to pieces like you don't deserve to breathe the same air she does.
But it was a good movie. I enjoyed it. But, it didn't really teach me anything, I didn't already know.


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