Thursday, January 27, 2005

Happy Birthday, Sis

Today is my sister's birthday. I won't tell how old she is, only that she is my OLDER sister. I do have a great sister. She is beautiful, smart, has a great sense of humor, and a heart of gold.

My sister and I are half-bloods. We have the same father but different mothers. Her mother raised her and my mom and step-dad raised me. So, we didn't grow up in the same house. We didn't even grow up in the same town. I guess I was too young to realize that I could've have pushed harder to spend more time with her. We always got along and never fought. Yes, we might get on each other's nerves from time to time, but we never argued. My dad says this is what happens when a brother and sister don't live together. We didn't fight because we did not have the luxury of time or proximity. When you only see each other 4 or 5 times a year you tend to not take it for granted.

So, I never got to be the little brat that crashed her slumber parties or embarrassed her at school. And as I am her little brother, I never got to intimidate her boyfriends (that would have been fun). As I entered high school, she went off to college. When she came back, it was my turn. Then she got married and moved around. I finished college and went off to law school. She moved back to town and I moved away to take a job. Now, she has three little boys and a rather busy schedule and I live 5 hours away. So while I do love her very much, I feel that we aren't as close as I wish we were. She always leaned on dad when times got tough, and I have always been rather independent (I guess it is a guy thing). Again, this is a situation where we do not have much of a mutual past. I have more experience at being a big brother, and don't always know how to be a little one.

I had always hoped that we would get closer with age. I thought we'd live in the same town and I would get to babysit, as the boys would love to spend the weekend with Uncle Mi-kul who'd let them get away with murder (an uncle's privilege). But, that opportunity has not unveiled itself.

When I first started this blog, I only told a few friends. I wasn't sure how it would turn out or what I would be able to write. I expected a few laughs and a couple of "been there done that's" from the fellas. I was hesitant about notifiying my sister, but felt it would be a way for her to gain some insight into her little brother. (A brother that is ever so grateful for having such a wonderful big sis.) A chance to know more about him since we didn't grow up with late night heart-to-heart chats and that unconditional promise of us against the world.

So, anyway Sis, I just want to say "Happy Birthday. I am glad you are my sister. Every guy should be so lucky. I love you."



At January 27, 2005 at 11:11 AM, Blogger slow poke kate said...

Dear Oinkie,

I like this side.

Beaula Belle


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