Monday, February 07, 2005


This is a follow up to my previous entry regarding personal ads.

What is it women want ? Thanks to the modern age of the internet men don't even have to leave home to have the proverbial drink thrown in their faces. Let me explain my adventures with personal ads.

I look through the ads. It is somewhat of a hobby of mine as I may as well be living in Nome, Alaska. I come across a cute face. Not a fashion model mind you, but the kind you'd expect to see in the supermarket or out walking her dog. There is something hypnotic about her and I am drawn like a moth to a flame.

So, I click on the ad. She says all the right things has all the right interests. Eureka. I have found her. So, I get out my credit card, punch in the number and pay the membership fee all for the privilege of saying "hi". I briefly describe myself as I know woman hate nothing more than a man who doesn't shut up about himself. I ask a few questions so she will have something to respond to then hit send. And...abracadabra...nothing. Thirty bucks down the tube. Heck, I could've have gone to Hooter's and gotten least I would have gotten food out of it.

Why do women do this ? They put themselves out there so obviously they want the attention, but then they don't take it. Two theories. Ok, so I didn't send a pic. I explain my reasons. I have a somewhat political job and even greater political ambitions. After all, I am here looking for the future First Lady. I can't risk my photo winding up on some beastiality porn site. Secondly, apparently living an hour away is just to much to overcome. Ladies, for the most part, think that if the guy doesn't live around the corner then he couldn't possibly be the one(refer to my entry on soulmates). Hey, I am willing to drive an hour each way to see you. Whatever happened to love conquers all ?

For example, there was this one girl. She was very cute (just my type as some of you know what I mean). Her ad said all the right things, ie family oriented, acknowledged a higher power, and an unwillingness to settle for less than she deserves, so I sent her a note, and.... nothing. I tried again a few months later... nothing. Few more months pass by, I tell her congratulations on her graduation from pharm guessed it nothing. Apparently, guys are beating down her door for the chance to date a single mom who is in school. After all, that is why she has the ad up.

So, why do they do it ? Post their ad, flaunting themselves in front of us, treating us like animals at the zoo hiding behind their virtual iron bars. And they wonder why they can't find a nice guy ? It makes a guy want to become a monk. If only the pay wasn't so low.


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