Wednesday, January 26, 2005


As some of you may know, I have a great affinity for Troy. Having graduated from Troy State and read the Iliad, I love Troy and its characters. My favorite is Hektor, the crown prince of Troy, played by Eric Bana in the movie. This is my homage to him.

A Letter from Hektor

My dearest Andromakhe, how I long to have you on my arm
A million miles from this foreboding harm
But as a precious prince of Ilion I must stay
Til the bitter cessation of this bloodthirsty fray
For my people and my home I must defend
From the 1000 ships the Akhaians did send
As retaliation for Menelaos’ queen Helen
Whose face did cause my brother Paris to commit this sin
A hero to you and Trojans one and all
But it is to Achilles that I must fall
So I’ll take my place in history with my head held high
And say to you and my son Astyanax good-bye.

Praise valiant Hektor
who with honor did defend
his home Ilion.


At January 27, 2005 at 9:40 AM, Blogger Michael said...

I didn't realize there was a ninth circle of hell. I guess I need to brush up on my Dante. If for nothing else to see which circle I fall in.


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