Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Damn you George Lucas

Well, it is time for me to get on my soap box on Revenge of the Sixth. Granted I love the Star Wars series (as any other child of the 70's), but I am not one to wear costumes and wait in line for 6 months. As a child I played with lightsabers and pretended my bicycle was an x-wing. Growing up I tried to adhere somewhat to the principles of the Jedi like a code of chivalry and I feel an emotional conection to the characters. The one qualifier I will say is this, 28 yrs is a hell of a long time and I don't think that after waiting that long all of my expectations could be filled.

Problems I have:

1) All the hype of the Clone Wars cartoons and marketing have General Grievous as a total bad ass. When he in fact is a wuss. Obi-Wan immedieately chops off 2 of his 4 hands and then it turns into a chase scene. Makes you wonder how Grievous got 4 lightsabers to begin with. This fight scene could have been a lot better.

2) We are led to believe that Anakin slaughters the Jedi. While he basically kills Windu the only other thing he really does is slaughter a bunch of children (which is pretty damn evil), but I felt cheated knowing the powerful Jedi order was pretty much wiped out because they were shot in the back by storm troopers.

3) Anakin's transformation should have drawn out longer. Although you may argue it starts back in AOTC, with his annihilation of the sand people. That was anger and revenge. Out of nowhere, we hear in ROTS that he wants to rule the galaxy.

4) The Dooku/Yoda fight in AOTC was better than the Anakin/Dooku fight.

5) The Emperor/Yoda fight was kind of lame. Although it was cool that they fought in the Senate chamber.

6) With the end of ROTS, we basically down to 2 on each side: the Emperor and Vader on one and Yoda and Obi-Wan on the other.
Obi-Wan just whipped Anakin's ass and Yoda at least fought the Emperor to a draw. After this, they turn tail and go hide for approximately the next 18 yrs allowing the Emperor to rule. What is up with that ? Of course, I understand we wouldn't have Star Wars without it, but it is hard to believe Jedi Knights (and Masters at that) guardians of the galaxy basically give up.

7) Bail Organa should have been a little more involved to assert his validation for taking Leia. Apparently, grand parents have no rights since Padme's family was not consulted about what to do. It was lame having Owen in the same stance as Luke in Star Wars since Owen is not a dreamer wishing he was somewhere else.

8) I didn't expect Wookies to be so aqautic.

9) It was a lame way to explain the whole blue ghost thing. There was a lot of lameness as Lucas back-pedaled trying to make all the movies gel. For example, I bet he didn't have the first damn clue he would create Qui-Gon when he had Obi-Wan say Yoda instructed him in Empire.

10) Apparently, they just let R2 depreciate.

Now some of the good things:

1) Showing Obi-Wan be such a bad ass. It is cool to watch Star Wars now knowing that Obi-Wan was a bad m.f'er back in the day.

2) The Emperor playing puppetmaster pulling Anakin's strings.

3) Tarkin on the bridge at the end.

4) Letting Shaft be the one to disfigure Palpatine and validate his being on the counsel. Seeing how most of the other Jedi are pretty damn weak getting taking out like they do.

5) I liked the fact that Anakin turned and became Vader before he put on the suit.

Well, that is enough ranting for now.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

So, I will probably get a lot of ribbing for this one, but the other day I was recalling an old conversation with a friend regarding our list of favorite things and decided to post a list. I doubt it will be complete,but I will give it a shot. Feel free to respond with your own list.

1. Hearing one of my nephews or nieces laugh.
2. Holding one of them.
3. Grandma's chicken 'n dumplings (or anything made by grandma for that matter)
4. That feeling of being at grandma's house.
5. Hearing rushing water around the bend when you are canoeing.
6. Ben and Jerry's
7. The band playing Dixie.
8. The skyline of Birmingham and feeling that I am back home.
9. The dance scene from 7 brides for 7 brothers (I know I know).
10. The final scene from Dead Poet's Society
11. Warm clothes straight out of the dryer
12. The smell of fresh baked banana bread
13. The land of milk and honeys.
14. The words, "we the jury find the defendant guilty as charged."
15. The anticipation of a first date.
16. Sand between my toes
17. Thunderstorms (when I am safe at home)
18. Emails from long distance friends.
19. JLH
20. Feeling inspired to write.
21 Imagining being a dad.
22. Being called 'sugar" "honey" "sweetheart" or "hun" by waitresses
23. Dollar night at the jiggly room (just kidding and seeing if anyone was actually paying attention). Actually #23 would be being smiled at. (I know I ended that with a preposition, but it is my list).
24. When someone searches for redemption
25. Knowing that someone sacrificed his own life for me.

Like I said it is not an exhaustive list, but it is a start.

Friday, May 06, 2005

The drugs are starting to wear off

I had to go to the dentist today. I had chipped a tooth about a year ago, but it didn't bother me so I never did anything about it. I chipped it again about 2 weeks ago and decided it was time to do something about it.
I figured they fill it or cap it, but it turns out it had gotten pretty bad. They had to take the nerve out and put a temporary filling in. I will go back in a couple of weeks to get a permanent one.

On the social scene, I am stilling emailing and conversing by phone with Kandis. She is the young lady from Birmingham who used to be my sister's neighbor. She seems pretty cool. However, she will talk your ear off. Fortunately, I am a good listener so it works out. We are trying to coordinate our schedules to actually meet. Looks like we will get the chance on the 21st. I have asked her to accompany me to my cousin's wedding (can you say foreshadowing).

I do have one other potential news item, but I must keep that underwraps for now. If it develops then I will explain further.

Hope everyone out there is doing well.