Friday, January 06, 2006

Better luck this year ?

Well , it is now 2006. Hopefully, it will be better than 2005.
Let's see in 2005, I left a better paying and better job for that matter based on assurances of someone I thought I could trust. The result was I got screwed. I quit and am now unemployed. My appendix ruptured and I spent a week in the hospital with no insurance. Just what I needed more debt.
Also, in 2005, I went a whoping one date. The chemistry just wasn't there. It would have been a logistical problem anyway. A week later I was turned down for a job in Birmingham (where she lives).
So here I am worse off then I was a year ago. I turn 31 next week and I have still never been kissed. No where to go but up, right ?


At March 7, 2006 at 12:34 PM, Blogger Lorrell said...

31 and never been kissed, huh? well, I guess that makes me NOT the only one who wasn't kissed in high school. But everyone tells me that it's not all it's ed up to be, so maybe we aren't missing anything! :) Keep your chin up, and hope for the best.

At March 7, 2006 at 12:37 PM, Blogger Lorrell said...

yeah, me again. Just reread your information page, and I think that it's really cool that 1) someone else has heard of and enjoyed Inherit the Wind, and 2) you enjoy old classics. check out my blog at we have a lot in common. :)

At May 6, 2006 at 10:33 AM, Blogger slow poke kate said...

You know, you can actually change the settings on your blog so you moderate the comments in order to weed out the spam ones. Lucky you, porno ;)

You recently posted on my blog, and I wanted to say thanks. I think of you often and always wondering how you are.

Ran across a poem you wrote. I had stashed it in my Bible for some reason. My favorite things are hidden away there... a letter from my father, pictures of my friend who passed away...etc. Made me think of you and how I would still love to put it to music.

Take care.

At May 28, 2010 at 7:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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