Tuesday, April 26, 2005

It's a small world

I know it has been a while, but work has kept me busy. At least I am gaining experience and racking up convictions. I get to go to the coast tomorrow. We have a conference the rest of the week.
On another note, I do have an interesting development in the social scene. I had subscribed to a matchmaking service. Ironically. one of the potential matches was from my hometown (about 4 1/2 hours away). So, we go through the process of getting to know each other, somewhat anyway. Come to find out, she used to be neighbors with my big sis. Well, sis likes her seeing how she only had complimentary things to say about her.
We seem to have pretty compatible personalities. Now if only I can get over there to actually meet her. I will report any further developments.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

On a roll

I got another one. Well, he was found guilty of conspiracy to commit armed robbery, but not guilty of the actual armed robbery. That is 3 convictions in the last 4 trials. This guy was happy to get the 5 yrs for conspiracy, because he would have gotten about 20 yrs if convicted on the actual robbery. I have never seen anyone so happy to be going to prison for 5 yrs.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Another One Bites the Dust

I did it. I convicted another one. He was looking at me so cold, but I sent him packing. He and his partner (who I convicted in October) were involved with an armed robbery. They drove the car with the money. I still have to get the actual gunmen, but their day is coming. My closing argument was pretty impressive if I do say so myelf. I never thought I would be quoting Shaggy in a court of law. I referred to "It wasn't me"..."even though she caught me red handed". That is as far as I went. I didn't think it would be appropriate in court to say,"butt naked on the bathroom floor."