Thursday, March 31, 2005


Well, we began a six week term of court this week in the adjoining county. So, I do not have a lot of free time. Fortunately, we finished yesterday all that we could do for this week. So, today and tomorrow I am preparing for my trials that are set for next week. That's the way the legal system is, you spend a lot of time preparing for something that may never happen.

I am first up on Monday. I am trying a guy for robbery. I already convicted his buddy who helped him, so I feel optimistic. On another note, I scored a victory this week. I had a hearing yesterday and got the court to rule that the defense's so-called expert witness is not an expert. This is important because people have a need to believe in the power of education and science. Let an "expert" say that in his/her expert and opinion and by his/her calculations (which are done months and sometimes years after the incident) so and so can not possibly be the perpetrator, people are inclined to believe that, despite the fact that a dozen people watched the guy commit the crime.

All I can do is to continue fighting the good fight and go down swinging.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

I haven't been bashed in a while


A new store named Husband-Mart opened. Husband-Mart is a store where women can go and choose a husband from among many men. The store is composed of six floors and the men increase in positive attributes as the shopper ascends the flight of stairs.
There is, however, a catch. As you open the door to any floor you may choose a man from that floor but if you go up a floor, you cannot go back down, except to exit the building.

So, this woman goes to the shopping center to find a husband.

On the first floor, the sign on the door reads:

"Floor 1 - These men have jobs."

The woman reads the sign and says to herself, well, that is better than my last boyfriend, but I wonder what is further up?"

So up she goes.

The second floor sign reads:

"Floor 2 - These men have jobs and love kids."

The woman remarks to herself, "That's great, but I wonder what's further up?"

And up she goes.

The third floor sign reads:

"Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love Kids and are extremely good looking."

"Hmm, better," she says. "But I wonder what's upstairs?"

Up she goes.

The fourth floor sign reads:

"Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking and help with the housework."

"Wow!" exclaims the woman, "very tempting. But, there must be more further up!"

And again she heads up another flight.

The fifth floor sign reads:

"Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking, help with the housework and have a strong romantic streak."

"Oh, mercy me! But just think... what must be waiting for me on the sixth floor?"

So up to the sixth floor she goes.

The sixth floor sign reads:

"Floor 6 - You are visitor 1,260,459,789,016 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at Husband-Mart and have a nice day!"

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

What a week...and it is only Wednesday

Things here are still kind of busy. We have one more week before we start 6 weeks of court. The damage to my vehicle is roughly $4600.
I had my taxes done this week. I am getting raped without the benefit of k-y. It is almost enough to make me join the dark side and become a republican

Friday, March 11, 2005

I am still here

I am still here. Work has kept me busy lately and I currently do not have internet access at home.

I thought the Star Wars trailer last night was awesome. It was worth enduring the OC to see it. I can't wait. My one hope in life as been to live long enough to see it :)

By the way, on a dimmer note, I was in a wreck yesterday. I am fine but my pride and joy (my car) is tore up. Some lady ran a stop sign and we collided. I had to have my car towed. I am not looking forward to dealing with the insurnce company and finding a rental today.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

So Much for Originality

I was goofing off doing google searches for old friends. In Hitch, the characters do this to get inside information on other people. When I typed my own name it generated 11.2 million hits. The first ten pages have nothing to do with me. I didn't go past that point.

When I googled my blog title, chasing windmills, I yielded 21,700 possibilities. The first 4-5 pages had nothing to do with me. Again, I didn't look further. The point is although we can try to be original and set ourselves apart, we aren't as significant as we think we are. With 5 billion people on this planet (or whatever that insane number is) and the fact that people have been around for thousands or millions of years (depending on your beliefs) we are hard pressed to be original.

Thoughts, feelings, and emotions while new to us as individuals are as old as dirt. We aren't really saying or doing anything that hasn't been done by countless others before us and that countless others around the world aren't experiencing at this moment. We aren't as unique as we would like to believe. Even in relationships...

whether it is breakfast in bed or standing outside someone's window with a boombox, to quote the Barenaked Ladies, "it's all been done before." Weddings, births, funerals, it is all just a continuous cycle. It just depends on whose turn it is. There is a certain complacency that sets in when you're the last in line. While you do have the knowledge that comes with watching everyone before you, there is no ooh and ahh factor when it is your turn. It becomes passe. It seems like everyone is just taking their places and going through the motions.

Blessed are those who are caught up in living life. I have spent my life as a perpetual observer like Scrooge peering through the window looking upon Christmas present. And now I feel as if life has passed me by. As I get older, things start to lose their wonder. I guess that is the irony of growing up. I feel like I am back in gym class. The teams have been picked and I am the odd man out sitting there watching the other kids play. This is ever so apparent by the fact that almost everyone of my friends is now married or engaged. Some are starting to have children. Even younger siblings and cousins are reaching these milestones. The phone rings less often. Visits are shorter and more sporadic. That is the nature of things especially when you leave your hometown, when you don't live in the same neighborhood as your high school buddies and meet at the Bennigan's on Thursday nights. When your kids don't grow up with your friend's kids.

I am currently faced with a unique situation. For the first time since, I can remember I do not have someone to fixate on (for lack of a better term). As long as I can remember there has been someone I have pined over. High school, college, law school, the real world. But lately, a few doors have closed through marriage, distance, or just drifting apart. At the present I have no one to write about, to send flowers to. I feel...lost. And no while I do not need to have someone in order to validate myself, I do hear Dean Martin's "Your nobody til somebody loves you" ringing in my head. I feel that I have such an immense capacity to love, and by love I mean cherish respect and appreciate, an it is being wasted. Imagine if Michael Jordan never picked up a basketball...that is how I feel.

Well, enough rambling for today.