New Theories
So, I am trying out new theories like shoes. Try them on, walk around for a while and see how they fit. Today's theory is that there really is a yin and yang balance to the world ie good & evil, rich & poor etc. Por ejemplo, everyone cannot be cool. If everyone is cool then no one is cool. Alright, so I stole that from100 Girls (a great flick by the way) you caught me. The point is there has to be a basis for comparison and contrast. If everyone looked like Pamela Anderson and Brad Pitt, how would we know that is beautiful, since everyone looks like that. Therefore, everyone cannot be beautiful (physically) rich and throw a 90 mph fastball.
All this leads me up to my point. Not everyone gets the happily ever after fairy tale. Some live lives of misery and quiet desperation. If every one was Cinderella, then no one would be impressed, because they have that. But the poor soul without it sees it, fantasizes and holds on to hope because it is something to aspire to. So some of us poor souls have to stand on the other side of the see-saw, and to quote Don Henley, "our prison is walking through this world all alone." Do you really think the 7 dwarfs are truly content ? Imagine mining all day and then coming home and living with six other guys.
Just a theory.
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